Project Bob

“Trawling for likes”

2x boats is a go!


or bust

A couple of engineers building a droneship to go around the world

McCalip preferred not to dwell, and instead chose to focus on what he had set out to do: making the thing
— wired

The guys behind LK99 are doing it again. Great execution on dumb hobbies is our motto. Telling a good story and building live in front of the world is incredibly powerful.

Last year, we had 15,000 people watching the world’s most boring livestream of a furnace door. We captured the attention of the entire world in a wholesome pursuit of science. This time, we want to create a year-long journey that we can all experience together. The footage is going to be an emotional rollercoaster, swinging between mind-numbingly dull ocean views and the most terrifying view of 40ft Arctic ocean waves.

Through the magic of Starlink and Twitter, we’re going to send a livestreaming drone boat around the world. Launching from Los Angeles, this 14ft boat will travel over 25,000 miles. To qualify as a true circumnavigation, we must hit the antipode (opposite side of the globe) in the Indian Ocean. Our path will drive under the tip of Africa and South America, skirting Australia, and ultimately returning to California approximately 250 days later.

Will it work? Who knows. Do we have a specific goal? Not really. We're just here for the grand adventure and the inevitable memes.

Build Log